About Us

Elliott Katz, Author, Speaker, Coach
Seeking to understand what it means to be a man in a relationship, Elliott Katz found powerful insights in the timeless wisdom -- that seems to have been lost to many men today. He shares these insights about leadership and taking responsibility in his book Being the Strong Man a Woman Wants: Timeless wisdom on being a man. Striking a chord, the book has been translated into 24 languages by publishers in Europe, Asia, Latin America and Africa.
Many women read this book and asked what they could do to get the man in their life to wear the pants and take charge more at home. His new book, How to Get Your Man to Wear the Pants... So You Don't Have To share strategies on how to inspire a man to take the lead and more decisions and not leave it all to the woman.
To contact Elliott Katz, email: ElliottRKatz@aol.com